在阅读时,有种说法,叫做Fake Reading,用现在的流行语就是“假阅读”。说的是:读时,可以读很快,很顺畅,可以每个词都读出来,中间也不用停下来去找什么帮助。但是,没怎么过脑子。
问你问题吧,就那么看着你,不知道怎么答;问你细节吧, 挠头皱眉或耸肩,能说上几句又说不深。 像雁过无痕那样,确实是读了,但在脑中,并没留下什么印迹。
比如在Comprehension Connections: Bridges to Strategic Reading (以下简称CC)这本书中,作者Tanny McGregor举了这么一例:James Reston Jr. 写的Warriors of God。
Early in the twelfth century, in the city of Tovin in northern Armenia close to Georgia, there lived an eminent family of Kurds, the master of whose house was surnamed Najm ad-Din, which meant “ excellent prince and star of religion.” Najm ad-Din had a boon comrade named Bihruz, a man of intelligence and charm, qualities matched only by his bent for trouble.